Why is brick dust used for baseball fields?

Brick dust can help fix problems with dirt infields that don’t soak up water properly or have other issues. For example, clay infields tend to form puddles right away and then crack once they dry out. When there are puddles and cracks on the field, it becomes hard to play and it’s tough to predict where the ball will go. It also leads to footprints and tire tracks in the mud, which dry and create bad bounces – this can be frustrating and even dangerous.

When it comes to natural infields, decomposed granite is often the way to go since it has excellent drainage and can be easily raked smooth.

Nowadays, there are plenty of manufactured products available for infields that not only drain well but also absorb more water than their own weight. If you’re in a bind, even kitty litter can do a pretty good job of getting rid of puddles and drying up wet spots.