Learn how to throw a curve ball in baseball

Throwing a curveball in baseball requires a specific grip and throwing motion. Here are the steps to throw a basic curveball:

  1. Begin by gripping the ball with your index and middle fingers across the widest part of the seams. The ball should rest on your fingertips and your thumb should be underneath the ball, providing support.
  2. As you begin your wind-up, bring your hand behind your head and rotate your wrist so that your palm faces away from your body. This will cause the ball to spin in a clockwise direction (if you are right-handed).
  3. As you release the ball, snap your wrist downward to create additional spin on the ball. This will cause the ball to break sharply downward and to the side.
  4. Aim your curveball by adjusting the angle of your wrist at release. To throw a curveball that breaks to the right (if you are right-handed), release the ball with your wrist slightly turned to the left. To throw a curveball that breaks to the left, release the ball with your wrist slightly turned to the right.

It’s important to note that throwing a curveball can put additional stress on your arm and elbow, so it’s important to use proper technique and to avoid overusing the pitch. It’s also important to build up arm strength gradually, and to warm up thoroughly before pitching in a game.

With practice and proper technique, throwing a curveball can be a valuable tool for any pitcher looking to keep batters off-balance and generate strikeouts.